How To Help

What can you do to help?

I’ve had a couple offers from people to donate money to ensure that I finish and keep it up.  It is a great gesture and believe me, I could always use the extra cash.  However, that is NOT the intent of this site. I have every intention of getting the rest of the content up and much more.  I started this site as a personal reference for family, friends and myself and I WILL finish it.

Now granted if you wish to lavish me with wads of cash, platinum, gold, silver, jewels, fancy sports cars, yachts, that house my wife and I have our eye set on but is just ever so slightly out of our reach, some lavish vacations, etc… — who am I to stop you?  Send it my way!

The greatest gift anyone could give me is time.  I know things aren’t being put up as fast as some may hope but the first and foremost thing to remember is that this was meant as a personal reference for family, friends and myself.  I know I am pretty redundant in saying this.  Please understand I am a single person, and putting this to it takes time.  Spare time doesn’t come easy when you are a married with kids, work a full time job that is completely unrelated to martial arts, a variety of personal interests and interests of my family and then lastly trying to find some me time in between it all.

If you wish to contribute in some form or another and not uy me a castle or lavish me with untold riches, then you can help me on my never ending quest for knowledge which will go directly into the site.  I am always looking for new authentic sources.  If you can help me find, acquire or even lend me any of the items I am looking for or that you feel would be a great contribution to the site, I would be tremendously grateful.  There are some things I really want and I know they are rare.  I don’t need originals in hand, scanned copies or even photographs taken with a good quality digital camera or cell phone is a perfect way to easily exchange materials.  In the event you are unable to scan the documents or photograph them clearly I am fine borrowing them and will treat them with the utmost care and return them promptly after photographing them myself.

I will maintain on this page a current list of things I am looking for on this page.  Please do not assume that if something is not on this list that I have it.  Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be interested in seeing it.  You can always ask if unsure. Shoot me an email at kenpotech at gmail

Thank You.

The resources I am seeking are as follows:

Ed Parker Specific Materials

  • IKKA Studio Manuals, Yellow through 3rd Black
    • I have copies of these that aren’t all from the same vintage.  I believe the final version was either 1987 or 1990. I am seeking the latest although any earlier versions will be helpful to complete a set from the same years.
  • Accumulative Journal(s)
    • This is a tricky one as there are apparently several revisions floating around.  Dating these has been a bit tricky as well due to some inconsistencies in how they are laid out.
      • One copy I have, believed to be dated 1975, has the original order of the techniques when they were first broken down into the 24 technique system and has no yellow belt techniques.
      • I have a second copy which is identical to the first but it does have yellow belt, with the 10 techniques we know, as well as forms/sets up to a certain level.
      • I have a third copy which has all techniques in their present order, as per Infinite Insights, however it has yellow belt with the three older techniques that are no longer in the system.  This is the one that perplexes me and am wondering if it is just a mix up along the lines of someone losing their yellow sheets and copying someone else’s from an older binder.
      • I have caught wind of yet another version in which errors were corrected as well as a few minor changes.  I would believe this would be one of the final versions before the release of the IKKA Studio Manuals.
      • I am still seeking copies of this (scanned is fine) in order to finish making comparisons and find out if in fact what I believe to be missing is missing or was intentionally not included.  So please if you have any variation of these let’s talk.
  • 1970 Student Workbooks (all of them)
    • These workbooks contain of the 32 technique system. They do not give instruction but merely list requirements etc…
    • I have faded but readable copies of the purple, blue & green belt booklets, but would like to obtain or have a good copy of the entire set.
  • Any Student, Instructor, or Studio workbooks/manuals/journals from the 50′-80’s