Short Form 1 (right side only)

Short Form 1 was developed to teach a beginner how to retreat from an opponent while taking advantage of the free space around him.  Environmental consideration is important because it determines what one can or cannot do.  In Short Form 1, it is assumed that the environment favors the practitioner who is allowed freedom to move … [Read more...]

Blocking Set #1

Blocking Set #1 is the first of all Kenpo Sets to be learned.  It is a very basic set that keeps you in place and using one arm at a time introduces you to some of the blocks of American Kenpo.  As you learn these blocks you also learn how to make your blocks flow from one into the next while being introduced to the Kenpo concept called 'Point of … [Read more...]

Ed Parker American Kenpo Yellow Belt

All of the techniques required for yellow belt in Ed Parker's American Kenpo have been posted.  I just threw these up quickly and did not provide all of the details I intend to provide nor did I double check it for clarification. I just need to have a bulk of information to finish tweaking out the templating for the the site. I plan on doing the … [Read more...]

Sword and Hammer (EPAK Yellow #10)

Sword & Hammer is the 10th and final technique required to obtain your Yellow Belt in Ed Parker’s American Kenpo. Sword and Hammer is a defense against a left hand shoulder grab from the right flank, placing it in the Grabs & Tackles category of the Web of Knowledge and the Shoulder & Lapel Grab Family group of the Grabs category in … [Read more...]

Attacking Mace (EPAK Yellow #9)

Attacking Mace is the 9th technique required to obtain your Yellow Belt in Ed Parker’s American Kenpo.  Attacking Mace is a defense against a right step through punch placing it in the Punches category of the Web of Knowledge and the Punches Family Group in the Family Groups Striking Division. This technique is your second defense against a … [Read more...]
