Crossing Talon (EPAK Orange #13)

Crossing Talon is the 13th technique required to obtain your Orange Belt in Ed Parker’s American Kenpo. Crossing Talon is the defense for a right cross wrist grab placing it in the Grabs & Tackles category of the Web of Knowledge and the Wrist Grabs family group in the Grabs category of the Grappling division. Crossing the Talon is … [Read more...]

Kicking Set #1

Kicking Set 1 is the required set for orange belt in Ed Parker's American Kenpo.  In our Yellow Belt Set & Form we learned how to defend and how to defend while retreating.  In Orange Belt our form reinforced what we learned in Yellow Belt by having us perform Short Form 1 on both sides.  Here in Kicking Set 1 we break, for a bit, from the … [Read more...]

Hump day for Orange Belt

Finally!  The halfway point for the Orange Belt requirements has arrived.  I guess you could say this is the orange belt hump day.  So far 1 form and 12 techniques have been posted.  All that is left is kicking set #1 and 12 more techniques.  In case you haven't noticed, I have been posting them in the order their were meant to be learned according … [Read more...]

Grip of Death (EPAK Orange #12)

Grip of Death is the 12th technique required to obtain your Orange Belt in Ed Parker’s American Kenpo. Grip of Death is the defense for a right arm headlock from the left side placing it in the Chokes & Locks category of the Web of Knowledge as well as the Locks family group in the Family Groups Grappling Division. Grip of Death varies … [Read more...]

Menu Changes & Older Docs

Over the next few days, I am going to be updating the menu structure.  There is some redundancy starting to form and some information being spread around instead of in one easily traversed location.  I would like to take care of little things like this as they crop up instead of later when they become too widespread and unbearable. As always, I … [Read more...]
